
Growing Your Family

The WOMB offers many different childbirth preparation and education classes to serve our parents-to-be. From short workshops to 5 week series sessions, you can find the class that helps you feel empowered, confident and prepared to give birth and care for your newest addition. 

Childbirth Preparation + Prenatal Education Classes​

Acupressure and Massage: Techniques for Labour and Birth Workshop

Practical hands-on massage and acupressure for labour and birth! In this workshop you and your birth partner will learn the techniques that can be used to support you throughout your pregnancy, prepare you for birth, and reduce tension in your body and relax into your labour and birth. 

Learn new skills from The WOMB’s Naturopathic Doctors and Registered Massage Therapists.

Childbirth Preparation Classes

Coping measures, deep relaxation, breath and movement techniques. These childbirth preparation classes are based in experience and practice so that the tools you learn become integrated long before your labour begins.

  • McWilliam Method – 5 Week Session – Burlington
  • Mindful Birth – 5 Week Session – Milton
  • Mindful Birth Condensed – 1 Day Session – Milton

Childbirth Without Fear Workshop

Childbirth is a powerful experience. Learn the tools and strategies that can transform your fears into empowerment and a peaceful birth experience.

Join us and discover:

  • Doula-approved pain-coping practices and how you can incorporate them into your birth
  • Doula recommended positions that can help you experience a faster and smoother birth for both you and your baby
  • How to understand your fear triggers and how these triggers feed a monster called the “Fear-Tension-Pain” cycle that many birthing people experience during birth
  • Tried and true techniques to reduce your fears, tension and pain
Be confident and ready for the wonderful unknowns of birth!

Doula Care

A doula or labour support person, will bring physical and emotional tools with them to your labour and birthing process so that you feel safer, more comfortable, stronger, advocated for and empowered. Doulas are knowledgeable, supportive, compassionate, resourceful, open and accepting. Your doula will want you to feel that every decision you and your birthing partner make is 100% respected.

Doulas have received specific training to equip parents with the education and guidance around: 

  • what to expect during pregnancy,
  • how to have a more confident and joyous birth, and
  • the ins and outs of parenting a newborn.

Prenatal Parenting Classes

Life With Baby is an engaging and interactive 2-part class designed to guide the transition from couple to family with real hands on practice, thought-provoking questionnaires, activities, worksheets, and discussion. Parents-to-be will leave feeling much more confident of what is to come once they “bring baby home” (or their midwives/doulas leave!!). 

Prenatal Breastfeeding Class

This Prenatal Breastfeeding Class was made for you – with your needs in mind. How you can be more prepared, more confident and have more options – breast, bottle, pumping and formula feeding taught by The WOMB’s International Board Certified lactation consultants!

In this “essentials” class, you will: 

  • learn how to establish a connection with your baby from the start 
  • understand why skin-to-skin with your baby is so important to brain development, immune strength, temperature regulation and feeding cues in the early minutes, hours and days of your baby’s life 
  • understand milk supply and how you can increase it (or decrease it)
  • learn how to hand-express (and what it is and why it’s so important!)
  • interpret newborn breastfeeding behaviour to make feeding an easier transition for all
  • discuss the role of partners in infant feeding
  • learn all-about-that-LATCH 
  • be able to identify special situations and how to troubleshoot any challenges that may arise.
  • And ask all those myth busting questions you have!

Prenatal Yoga

Much like other childbirth prep classes, prenatal yoga is a multifaceted approach to exercise that increases the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for labour and birth. It encourages stretching, mental centering and focused breathing, and is a great way to enjoy your pregnancy by meeting and bonding with other pregnant people and preparing for the stress of being a new parent. Prenatal can also increase concentration and pain coping, reduce anxiety and stress, and ease pregnancy discomforts such as lower back pain and hip discomfort. All that in a package that will help you bond with your baby, and facilitate a deeper connection with your body and intuition.

Begin Your Journey Today