The word “doula”
…is an ancient Greek word, which over time and through re-invention, has come to mean an experienced and trained birth worker. A doula is your guide, nurturing and supporting you as you make your way into parenthood.
The labour and birthing journey is a transformative experience, whether it’s your first baby or you’re growing your family. At The WOMB, our doulas provide physical and emotional support to help you feel safe, empowered, and advocated for throughout your birthing process. With tools to enhance comfort and calm, they create an environment that positively amplifies the effects of your birthing hormones and nurture you during this vulnerable time. Compassionate and resourceful, your doula ensures that you and your partner feel heard and respected, empowering you to make informed decisions and leave your birth experience with confidence and peace.
The WOMB Doulas have received specific training to equip parents with the education and guidance around:
- what to expect during pregnancy
- what to expect in hospital and home environments
- how to help you have your specific voice heard and needs met
- how to have a more confident and joyous birth
- the ins and outs of parenting a newborn.
How does it work?
A doula will meet with you and your partner (or someone who will be supporting you) through your pregnancy and birth – in your home, virtually, at The WOMB or in another place that feels safe and comfortable to you. It is recommended that you connect with The WOMB as early in your pregnancy as possible so that we can start you off with the perfect support. Last minute support may also be available.
In-Person / Hybrid Birth Doula Support
The In-Person/Hybrid Birth Doula Package is our most popular package because it allows you to go with the flow of your labour and birth process, and hospital guidelines. Your doula is available to you in home, in hospital (depending on current support guidelines) and virtually. This support includes:
- Free Initial consultation
- Prenatal & Pregnancy Support:
- Two (2) prenatal meetings
- Regular phone, email and text support
- Shared doula care and back up (secondary) doula support
- Access to and shared care with The WOMB’s team of pregnancy care experts and programs (eg. with client permission, comprehensive and complete care can be shared with The WOMB’s pelvic health physiotherapists, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, lactation consultants and others)
- Over 80 years of combined experience in The WOMB doula team
3. Dedicated 24/7 on call labour and birth support from 37 weeks
4. Continuous labour & birthing support including:
- Early labour support at home and/or by phone
- Continuous support from home to your place of birth
- Physical, emotional and informational support, for the duration of your pregnancy, birth and early postpartum period
- Dedicated support from your primary and/or secondary doula
- Birth Photography, if requested (on client’s device)
5. Postnatal Support
- Assistance with breastfeeding and alternative feeding method, as well as baby care
- Two (2) postnatal visits
- Phone and text support
- Access to The WOMB’s team of lactation consultants, postpartum recovery and baby care experts, as well as programs and classes
Virtual Birth Doula Support
Although we are not always able to be together physically, your Doula’s experience, knowledge, confidence, coping practices and comfort measures will guide you every step and stage of your labour and birthing process. Virtual doula support is a great option for:
- families living outside the physical catchment area of any WOMB location
- families whose chosen birth hospital is not open to physical doula support
Virtual support includes:
- the traditional prenatal and postnatal meetings all done virtually (as above)
- a tailored approach to support
- summarized emails regarding the discussions had in the meetings
- cheat sheet handouts and links to research and resources
- phone, email and text support
- virtual platform support (may be through FaceTime, Zoom or another platform as arranged)
Postnatal Doula Support
The role of the postnatal doula is a fluid role that adapts and changes with the changing needs of your family. Your doula will effectively coach you, the new parents to become the “experts” of your baby, while offering tools, education and support. This support is based upon your needs and desires as a family, guiding you without judgement. Our families have seen a tremendous impact and shared with us that these include…
- Increased breastfeeding success
- Enhanced parenting confidence
- Improved family relationships
- Faster healing with education in self-care after birth
- Decreased in Postpartum Mood Anxiety Disorders
- Increased father or partner’s confidence and involvement
Our goal is to increase your parenting confidence and provide you with the tools and skills to be on your own.
“There are no perfect parents, just perfect parenting intentions”.
Postnatal doula support is provided in shifts – both daytime and overnight. Virtual postnatal doula support is also offered.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
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